Map Time Series

Visualize Geographic Data over Time
Code Country Value
Time Series Objects/Arrays

In order to structure time series data properly you need to create a multi-dimensional object with each year being the key. Then you push your normal geographic data into each year that it is applicable. The resulting object structure should look like the example given.

Supported File Types

+ Javascript Example
+ JSON Example



"USA":{"country":"United States","value":3},





"USA":{"country":"United States","value":12},





+ PHP Example


$data_ts = array(

"2001" => array(

"USA" => array("value" => 3,"country" => "United States"),

"CAN" => array("value" => 4,"country" => "Canada"),

"MEX" => array("value" => 5,"country" => "Mexico"),

"RUS" => array("value" => 6,"country" => "Russia"),

"AUS" => array("value" => 7,"country" => "Australia")


"2002" => array(

"USA" => array("value" => 5,"country" => "United States"),

"CAN" => array("value" => 6,"country" => "Canada"),

"MEX" => array("value" => 7,"country" => "Mexico"),

"RUS" => array("value" => 8,"country" => "Russia"),

"AUS" => array("value" => 9,"country" => "Australia")




Download Sample Files

Time Series Files

Supported File Types

+ CSV Example


2000,USA,United States,3





2001,USA,United States,5





+ XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>




<country>United States</country>






















<country>United States</country>





















Download Sample Files

Time Series Spreadsheets

In order to properly apply data within your spreadsheet to the map please format it properly using the following template guides.

* You must include column names in your spreadsheet file.

* Long form time series data is preferred.

Supported File Types

Time Series Data Formats

* Not Recommended

Wide Form

In wide format time series data, a subject's repeated values will be in a single row, and each response in a separate column. This is not a recommended format for time series data as it exponentially increases the size of the file with each year and country added.

code country 2001 2002
USA United States 3 9
CAN Canada 6 12

* You can switch between these forms in Excel using pivot tables.

* Recommended

Long Form

In the long format, each row is one time point per subject. So each subject (county) will have data in multiple rows. Any variables that don’t change across time will have the same value in all the rows.

year code country value
2001 USA United States 3
2001 CAN Canada 6
2002 USA United States 9
2002 CAN Canada 12
Time Series Date Syntax

We provide support for the following time series date formats. Presently it will extract only the year from each format as this is the only range of time allowed at the moment.

Supported Time Series Formats

  • Year
  • yyyy
  • Month
  • yyyy/mm
  • yyyy-mm
  • Full Date (ISO)
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • yyyy/mm/dd
  • Full Date (US)
  • mm-dd-yyyy
  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm.dd.yyyy
  • Full Date (EU)
  • dd-mm-yyyy
  • dd/mm/yyyy
Dates Selected